Taliban will punish vengeance warriors news Malcolm King 25 Sep 2021 (94) Mohammad Yaqoob, the Minister of Defense in the Taliban authorities, announced it would not be tolerated on the old mode soldiers. Yaqoob on September 24 posted a recording message, warning a number of Taliban units who received evil people and veterans notoriously implementing civilian failures. Photo: Reuters We ask you to remove them from the ranks, otherwise there w...
Camille C. Campbell
I LOVE these. Our kiddos have accidents every now and then, so we put them in their “super underwear” over their underwear (since that’s how super heroes wear it... duh) so that way if they do have an accident it’s confined to their underwear instead of spreading past that to the sheets, blankets, and mattress. I’ve bought these 4 times!! Not because I have to replace them, but because i want more sets of them just in case!
Quality materials, comfy waist and leg bands, no leaking.
These are working great. I paired them with the cotton moo moo underwear for potty training my youngest son. We have carpet and new couches so I couldn't do the naked method like I had with my other boy. He really doesnt care if he is wet or poopy so its not like he will stop and tell me or run to potty. I have to be dilligent with timing. We have had several accidents but nothing has leaked which is AWESOME. I wash in sink or with pee soiled undies and throw in dryer on low or hang on rack if I have time. No issues. Also, I will say I used a plastic pullup before with my eldest when we tried cloth diapers for a while in the begining. The plastic did not have this nice of material against legs and waist. These wede a lil more money but I noticed the improved material on bands and actually the whole thing feels better. Not cheap feeling.
Shauna P Green
Exellent way to cover cloth diapers. These are hard to find, but worth the effort.
I wanted to support my friend with a new tiny one using cloth diapers. First, I bought those 100% cotton dish towels for $7 a ten-pack and sent along a video showing how to fold them. Then I searched for the inexpensive "rubber pants" I used back in the 1970's with cloth diapers for my three babies.. It took hours to finally locate these. (You can find them in the toddler size for use in potty training, but the predominate diaper cover for cloth diapers was that new invention with the snaps which cost $20 or more for a single cover with an insert.) This is the only product like this that has them for newborns and preemies. These are pricier than the ones I used to use, but they do the job. The Newborn size was still too big for my friend's baby, but after a few weeks they fit and worked as they were supposed to with the cloth "diapers" I supplied. They are easy to put over the diaper. They wash well and last forever. And it is inexpensive to buy them in larger sizes. My friend loves these and the "diapers/dishcloths which wash and dry much quicker than the pre-fold and/or commercial cloth diapers, and they are affordable and environmentally superior to disposable diapers/
Nedelien C. Mejorada
Very soft.
This diaper covering is made of nylon taffeta, not plastic as the ones I used on my children 25 years ago were. I think they will last through more washings than the old plastic ones did. These feel soft. The leg openings and waist are made of a really soft, smooth spandex. You need to be sure to get the right size for your baby. One of my grandsons weighs less than 7 pounds, and the leg openings of the newborn size are too big and will leak. The newborn size fits my other grandson who weighs 11.5 pounds. And it fits nicely. The leg openings are snug enough to prevent leaks, but not tight. This product is made in China.
Mamakanneh Momoh Karsie
Saves my back and my carpet
These Dappi covers are great, but they do run large. I bought both large and medium sizes. My 3 year old can wear both, but I feel more secure if he wears the mediums. He is currently in size 4T underwear from Target. The photo I am posting is his size 4T underwear underneath the size medium Dappi cover. Great product. Easy to wash and dry. For reference, my little boy is 39 inches tall and about 37 lbs.
Aaron Dunning
I bought these for my giant 2 1/2 year old ...
I bought these for my giant 2 1/2 year old nephew. I went with the suggestion of other reviewers to get size medium and they fit perfectly. We are actively trying to potty train him and after he flooded my living room I knew I needed a little help. The joke is on me I guess. As soon as I started putting these on him he quit peeing in his underwear. Kinda wanted to see the look on his face when he realized why he was wearing them. lol He still won't pee on the potty. He waits for his nap time diaper or his pullups when he is going home. This is why I can only review the size and not the function at this time. I will update if he decides to test them. lol Instant update: He peed in them and they held all the liquid which he wasn't too happy about. He has been peeing on the potty since then.
Nisim Salinas
Great product for potty training, truly waterproof when used correctly, runs big
Fantastic product for potty training- truly waterproof (without containing any vinyl). We use them over training pants and they do not leak at all. They do not make a noticeable crinkling noise when baby walks either. What a great alternative to having to wash the carseat or carpet every time we have an accident! They are super easy to wash (if they aren't soiled I just rinse them in the sink with warm water - then just hang them up and they dry overnight). They do run quite large, maybe in part because they are sized for use with huge cloth diapers (when we used them over training pants instead). We are just growing out of the size small now, at 32" tall and 26 lbs. So definitely size down. PS here's a crucial tip: To avoid leaking from user error, you have to make sure that ALL OF THE ABSORBENT MATERIAL IS FULLY CONTAINED WITHIN THE COVER. If you allow even the slightest bit of training pant material to peek out of one of the leg holes or the waist, the moisture will wick out and you will have wet clothes. It took a little while to figure this out, but now that I've gotten myself in the habit of just tucking everything in when I put them on, we haven't had a leak since.
Dawn Scholl
Fantastic at stoping Blowouts, potty training, and bed wetting insurance.
Wish I found these sooner, would have saved a fortune on disposable diapers and pull-ups. It’s basically a trifle to clean up, and if used with Zorb fabric as a pad, you could virtually go free from paying for a single diaper ever again. Look for Zorb fabrics that are polyester, antimocrobial, and quick wicking. This will help fight the build up of odors that usually come in hand with reusable diapers and reduce chafing for the child. Zorb fabric advertises that they consume 10x their weight in mouisture, it’s worth looking up for parents who are really crafty and need to save money long term.
Amber Hawkins
A necessity for potty training.
We have had the size small Dappis for my potty training 2 year old for over a week now. She is 30 lbs and wears size 2t or 24 months. We put them over her training underwear that is thick and slightly absorbent. We use this combo at naps and when going out of the house only. If she has an accident she is fully aware of it because the wetness stays against her skin. There haven't been any leaks outside the cover yet. I have washed them and tumble dried them twice each with good results. They don't seem to be uncomfortable for my daughter. They are smooth on the outside so shorts and pants can be worn over them easily, but tend to slide down a little faster. Great buy! I hope I don't have to use them for long but I'm glad I got them.
Lisa Laws Peaks
Worth it
My son is 5 and we still struggle with bed wetting at night, every single night. His little booty and waist are on the small side so these still fit him well. We started using these in conjunction with well-padded potty training underwear a couple years ago (some people leaving negative comments are clearlyvusing regular undies and expecting these to stop a straight up stream of urine... hello, common sense much?). It keeps the leaking to a minimum and I usually dont need to change his sheets. I have purchased a few sets in the last 2 years and they hold up really well. I just throw them in with the laundry and it hasn't hurt them at all. They have not yet helped him with getting up at night (i'm told it will happen naturally in time) but it saves me from having endless laundry. Just kidding, I always have endless laundry. But at least it is less stinky.