Daily Cancer Horoscope February 22 (22/02)
Jun 22 − July 22
Alias: Alias: The Crab
February 22
daily cancer horoscope:
daily cancer horoscope:
Star 9/10
You might wonder why a problem keeps recurring, despite your efforts to prevent it from doing so. As the saying goes, a mistake is only a mistake if you make it a second time and you might feel your ability to judge certain situations is questionable. Try to spot the lesson contained within whats frustrating. It exists and will ensure confusion doesnt rear its head in the same way again.
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Confusion could exist surrounding a plan youre seeing the bigger picture about compared to what happening in the present. Looking to the future probably instills relief and optimism yet whats unfolding in the present could appear problematic. As strongly as you feel about a sensitive matter, leave it to progress a bit further before making thoughts and feelings known.
Read more...Star 8/10
Youre not at risk of letting anyone down. What you see as urgent or in need of considerable effort to ensure someone feels supported or a commitment is honored is unlikely to be as pressing as it appears. As Mars squares Pluto, imbalance exists between career priorities and a certain relationship. Try to look objectively and realistically at whats expected of you. Your actions neednt be motivated by a false sense of urgency or obsessiveness.
Read more...Star 7/10
Mars will be boosting your energy levels to make career-related progress and Venus arrival in the same sector on the 3rd will really sweeten a deal or two during coming weeks. A Lunar Eclipse in your solar sector of earned income brings a boost to your finances, especially with Jupiter and Saturn lending a hand. A Solar Eclipse on the 26th occurs in your solar sector of faraway places and education, bringing travel or, for some Crabs, study plans to the top of your priority list.
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You will go along with something for a little while and then ask yourself - where\s the glamour in all this routine? Keep yourself in check by keeping variety in your diet. There are a variety of wonderful vegetables in season that are full of nutrition which can be made into soups, casseroles or added to stews. There are also health rituals such as the sauna or hot baths that can make you feel extra special. Stay active in your search for new healthy outlets to enjoy.
Read more...Star 8/10
Today\s movement of the planets presents a challenge to you to heed their message even when so much is going on in the skies to distract you. In this case, keeping a balanced lifestyle is the key. Your health goals may seem easier to attain than they really are. That is, you might convince yourself to take it really easy when actually you need to continue plodding the course you set for yourself in order to attain your health goals.
Read more...Star 10/10
Continue with your current routine. This period may be tense, so give yourself space to do everything. Your partner\s health could be delicate, so a little TLC wouldn\t hurt. It\s nothing serious. Fresh air will help you both feel better. Drink plenty of fluids.
Read more...Star 7/10
As Jupiter, your health planet, enters its retrograde phase in the first week of February, it could encourage you to be more inward looking regarding your attitude and approach to well-being. If you have found it hard to maintain certain disciplines, then pinpointing the core issues can provide a breakthrough. At the same time, with sober Saturn moving through your wellness sector, it\s important to take responsibility for your health. Let perseverance be your mantra. You\ll certainly see results if you keep trying even though you\re tempted to give up.
Read more...Star 8/10
The current planetary alignment implies that new meetings are very much on the agenda today. Actually, the person that you so badly want to \casually bump into\ has been on your hit list for some time now. But today your charismatic and magnetic qualities are in abundance, so you certainly won\t want to miss out on this golden opportunity to make a significant conquest.
Read more...Star 8/10
The cosmic energy indicates that for sentimental reasons you may still be having a lot of contact with a past partner, finding it very difficult to completely say goodbye. This may not be going down too well with your current amour, who may be wondering just what the score exactly is at the moment. You need to sort out your priorities and perhaps do a little explaining.
Read more...Star 10/10
When a friend insists on introducing you to one of their co-workers or distant cousins at the start of the week, why not say yes? Accepting people\s offers to play matchmaker will help broaden your romantic scope. The dating world is tough when you try to navigate it alone at the end of the week. You feel like you\re doing everything right, so why are you alone on a Saturday night? Better things are on the horizon.
Read more...Star 10/10
Mercury leaves steady Capricorn for unconventional Aquarius on February 7, which can be a breath of fresh air or somewhat of a disaster. You aren\t entirely comfortable with being aloof, but playing hard to get has its advantages. Venus in Aries on February 14 means there\s some very aggressive masculine energy in the air on Valentine\s Day. It might be impossible not to act on the chemistry between you and your hot crush. Mercury spends time in Pisces, starting on February 25, putting a meandering spin on communication. You\ll get to the point eventually, but it might take more time than usual.
Read more...Star 9/10
Your instincts are right on target, so don\t be afraid to vocalize what you know to be true. You are on the right track with regard to your work. Move forward with great confidence. If you are looking for a job, this is a good time to interview.
Read more...Star 8/10
Women are likely to be especially important resources for you today. Listen to what they have to say and heed their advice. The women around you have insight into your personal situation that you may not even see yourself. Listen carefully.
Read more...Star 8/10
You have a wonderful opportunity to speak up for what you need now. While resources may be limited, you can still do your best knowing that you\re building for a better future. Interoffice gossip should be avoided if you don\t want unnecessary drama. You may find things take longer or people have differences of opinion. To be most effective, keep things simple and try to adapt to changing demands.
Read more...Star 8/10
February 10 brings you an opportunity to make some financial changes. Getting a raise, landing a lucrative job, or moving to a less expensive area are among the possibilities. Devise ways to make your hard-earned money stretch as far as possible in early February. A Solar Eclipse on February 26 could send you on an important business trip. Your tenacity and good sense of humor will help you land a significant client. Don\t give up when you meet with initial resistance. Continued gentle pressure will yield the result you want. Be willing to strike an unconventional deal that satisfies both parties.
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